OK. I call this page my "Quote Page". Please indulge me and put up with my "point making" quotes. As much as I hate warm and fuzzy stock photos of people with their hands in the air on the top of a mountain as a sign of success, I do find a good 'ol quote inspiring at times and I hope you do to.
This page is dedicated to helping you GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Yes, we all do it. We make excuses, do things for reasons we don’t want to do them, we negotiate against ourselves or just let inertia take over by not making changes in your life. Well...stop it. Now. End the excuses. There really is no day like today to start.
You can’t be living your best life if you are not taking care of yourself. When you don’t eat well, sleep enough, exercise, or find ways to escape stress, you can’t be living your best life, because you are not going to be feeling your best.
But whenever possible, make your physical well-being a priority. I know it’s easier said than done. I personally struggle at this! I know I might sound preachy and annoying.
But I’m going to keep saying it anyway. Because it’s that important. Because I don’t want you to feel like shit all the time. Because almost
everything else rests on whether or not you are feeling well physically. Make. Your. Health. A. Priority.
You can’t be living your best life if you haven’t even figured out what your best life is. Finding your best life takes more work. You need to wade against the mainstream. You need to question the values handed down to us from our parents and society. You need to find our own path and define our own purpose. Until you do, you will never be satisfied and will always be seeking. Always feeling like we
are playing a role in a movie we don’t belong in.
Dare to be different. Dare to dream the dream of a different life. Dare to question and dare to think for yourself. Dare to create your own definition of a good life.
Dare to be conscious of your values and what is important to you. Dare to live with intention. Dare to bring your life into alignment with your values.
This page is dedicated to helping you GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Yes, we all do it. We make excuses, do things for reasons we don’t want to do them, we negotiate against ourselves or just let inertia take over by not making changes in your life. Well...stop it. Now. End the excuses. There really is no day like today to start.
You can’t be living your best life if you are not taking care of yourself. When you don’t eat well, sleep enough, exercise, or find ways to escape stress, you can’t be living your best life, because you are not going to be feeling your best.
But whenever possible, make your physical well-being a priority. I know it’s easier said than done. I personally struggle at this! I know I might sound preachy and annoying.
But I’m going to keep saying it anyway. Because it’s that important. Because I don’t want you to feel like shit all the time. Because almost
everything else rests on whether or not you are feeling well physically. Make. Your. Health. A. Priority.
You can’t be living your best life if you haven’t even figured out what your best life is. Finding your best life takes more work. You need to wade against the mainstream. You need to question the values handed down to us from our parents and society. You need to find our own path and define our own purpose. Until you do, you will never be satisfied and will always be seeking. Always feeling like we
are playing a role in a movie we don’t belong in.
Dare to be different. Dare to dream the dream of a different life. Dare to question and dare to think for yourself. Dare to create your own definition of a good life.
Dare to be conscious of your values and what is important to you. Dare to live with intention. Dare to bring your life into alignment with your values.

You can’t be living your best life if you haven’t dared to dream it. But dreaming of what you want out of life isn’t enough. A dream will remain just that – a dream.
Dreams rarely come true on their own. Goals are different from dreams in that they are concrete. They are specific and
they can be measured. Being physically fit is a dream. Being able to run five miles six months from now is a goal. Being a writer is a dream.
To reach your goals, you need detailed plans. What has to happen in order to reach your goals? When does it need to happen? How will you schedule your time?
Write down your specific goals and your detailed plans for reaching them. Make them concrete. Make them real.
A dream without a goal will always remain just a dream.
A goal without a plan will always remain just a goal.
You can’t be living your best life if you haven’t dared to dream it. But dreaming of what you want out of life isn’t enough. A dream will remain just that – a dream.
Dreams rarely come true on their own. Goals are different from dreams in that they are concrete. They are specific and
they can be measured. Being physically fit is a dream. Being able to run five miles six months from now is a goal. Being a writer is a dream.
To reach your goals, you need detailed plans. What has to happen in order to reach your goals? When does it need to happen? How will you schedule your time?
Write down your specific goals and your detailed plans for reaching them. Make them concrete. Make them real.
A dream without a goal will always remain just a dream.
A goal without a plan will always remain just a goal.

If you are not living your best life yet, something has to change. But every path to change is going to have some obstacles on it. Otherwise you’d already be walking on that path.
Some of us are quite the experts at pointing out all the obstacles. We can go on and on and on and on listing them. We give them our undivided attention and analyze them from every possible angle. We are really proud of ourselves for being so observant and being able to pinpoint exactly what the challenges are: “I can’t afford this. I don’t have the time. So-and-so won’t be very happy. I don’t know how
to do X, Y, and Z. And how in the world will I ever find the time and the money?”
We list, and when we get to the end of the list, we start from the beginning all over again. And after not too long, the obstacle list that we have so expertly compiled starts overwhelming us. The list is so long it starts looking insurmountable. And we
give up. Because change is hard…
Or we could try a different tactic. Instead of letting yourself list obstacles without abandon, try this:
• Acknowledge one obstacle at a time
• Brainstorm potential ways to overcome that obstacle. Seek help if you need it
• Move to the next obstacle only after the first one is resolved. Repeat the process.
If you are not living your best life yet, something has to change. But every path to change is going to have some obstacles on it. Otherwise you’d already be walking on that path.
Some of us are quite the experts at pointing out all the obstacles. We can go on and on and on and on listing them. We give them our undivided attention and analyze them from every possible angle. We are really proud of ourselves for being so observant and being able to pinpoint exactly what the challenges are: “I can’t afford this. I don’t have the time. So-and-so won’t be very happy. I don’t know how
to do X, Y, and Z. And how in the world will I ever find the time and the money?”
We list, and when we get to the end of the list, we start from the beginning all over again. And after not too long, the obstacle list that we have so expertly compiled starts overwhelming us. The list is so long it starts looking insurmountable. And we
give up. Because change is hard…
Or we could try a different tactic. Instead of letting yourself list obstacles without abandon, try this:
• Acknowledge one obstacle at a time
• Brainstorm potential ways to overcome that obstacle. Seek help if you need it
• Move to the next obstacle only after the first one is resolved. Repeat the process.

If you are not living your best life yet, something has to change. Maybe you are otherwise ready to make those changes, but you just don’t think it’s the right time quite yet. Too busy. Too many other things going on. Work this. Spouse that. Kids over there. It’ll be easier in a year or two or five.
Now, I don’t claim to know a lot of things for sure, but I do know this: The perfect time will never come. And I don’t want you to waste time waiting for it.
The perfect time is always today. Right now. This doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your entire life today. But you can identify a priority and take the first little baby step today. You can let most of your crazy, busy life stay as it is. But you can
carve out a tiny bit of time every day to nudge yourself forward. Even if it’s just 15 minutes every day.
Slow progress is better than no progress.
If you are not living your best life yet, something has to change. Maybe you are otherwise ready to make those changes, but you just don’t think it’s the right time quite yet. Too busy. Too many other things going on. Work this. Spouse that. Kids over there. It’ll be easier in a year or two or five.
Now, I don’t claim to know a lot of things for sure, but I do know this: The perfect time will never come. And I don’t want you to waste time waiting for it.
The perfect time is always today. Right now. This doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your entire life today. But you can identify a priority and take the first little baby step today. You can let most of your crazy, busy life stay as it is. But you can
carve out a tiny bit of time every day to nudge yourself forward. Even if it’s just 15 minutes every day.
Slow progress is better than no progress.